5 Refreshing Infused Water Recipes to Boost Hydration and Support Weight Loss
Article posted in: Food & Nutrition
When you think about key items in your wellness toolkit, you might think of a set of resistance bands, a great pair of yoga pants, and plenty of nutritious recipes. But what about a water bottle?
Staying hydrated is a key (but often overlooked) element of good health. Getting enough fluid each day can promote better digestion, prevent headaches and even create healthier looking skin. Beyond these benefits, drinking plenty of water is also associated with increased weight loss.
For many of us, guzzling plain water all day can get a little boring. If you find it difficult to drink your way through a super-sized bottle each day, consider making infused water.
And if you think a piece of produce or two won’t add much interest to your daily drinking, we’re here to show you that flavored water can be so much more than popping a few slices of cucumber in your glass (though we included that classic as a must-have, too!).
Here’s everything you need to know about how to make infused water, plus five unique concoctions that will make even the fanciest cocktail envious.
How Drinking Water Supports Weight Loss
Drinking plenty of water can boost weight loss for several reasons. For one, drinking water has been shown to suppress appetite, especially when consumed just before a meal.
An extra glass or two each day might also stimulate metabolism. A small, older study from 2003 found that drinking 500 milliliters of water increased metabolic rate by 30-percent in 14 healthy subjects.
Plus, adding water to your system helps flush out waste, ridding the body of excess bulk. And drinking water instead of other high-calorie beverages can reduce your overall caloric intake, thereby boosting weight loss.
Infused Water: A Flavorful Way to Stay Hydrated Without Added Sugar
The evidence is clear that hydration helps the weight loss process. So if you’re working to shed pounds, you’ll want to be drinking throughout the day.
But again, if you’re anything like us, you may not be getting excited about an endless stream of plain water. When you’re feeling “meh” about no-frills water, it can be tempting to turn to sweetened beverages such as soda or high-sugar juices. Unfortunately, these drinks (though flavorful) pack high amounts of carbs, sugars and empty calories that don’t fill you up in the right ways. Reaching for these drinks can easily sabotage your healthy eating habits.
Here’s where infused water comes in. Keeping a regular rotation of drinks flavored with whole foods like citrus fruits, fresh herbs and berries makes your daily hydration something to look forward to! And with zero added sugars and almost no calories, infused water recipes won’t derail your weight loss goals so you can continue to stay on track with your Jenny Craig meal plan.
Meanwhile, as good-for-you ingredients like fruits and veggies soak, they’ll release small amounts of important nutrients into your water — a nutritious bonus!
Best Fruits, Herbs and Veggies for Infused Water (And Which to Skip)
Not every piece of produce makes an ideal candidate for infusing in water. The best ingredients to infuse are typically sturdier fruits, veggies and herbs that retain their structure without dissolving in an hours-long water bath.
These include:
- Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons and grapefruit
- Berries like strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries
- Melons like cantaloupe, honeydew and watermelon
- Kiwi slices
- Pineapple, mango or coconut chunks
- Hardy herbs and spices like rosemary, ginger, mint or lavender
- Thick veggies like cucumber, zucchini and celery
As for which flavors to combine, the sky’s the limit! Tap into your creative side to craft unique mixes like watermelon-strawberry-mint, pineapple-jalapeño, blueberry-lavender and more.
How to Make Infused Water at Home (Easy Tips and Tricks)
If you’re new to the wonderful world of water infusion, you’ll quickly find that creating tasty flavored drinks is extremely simple.
To whip up a large batch of infused water, simply add the ingredients of your choice to the bottom of a pitcher, then fill to the top with fresh, cold water. Cover the pitcher to retain flavor (and keep other aromas from your fridge from seeping in). Refrigerate anywhere from 2 hours to overnight, then carefully strain the solid ingredients out.
For even more convenience (or for smaller, on-the-go portions of infused water), try an infuser water bottle. These handy bottles have a built-in compartment that holds fruits, veggies and herbs and can be easily removed when the infusion is complete.
5 Delicious Infused Water Recipes You’ll Love
Now that you’ve got a handle on the benefits of infused water, all you need to get started are a few healthy infused water recipes! Try our top five delicious combos below. If you don’t have an infusion water bottle, you can also make these recipes in a glass or pitcher and adjust the ingredient quantities as needed.
1. Classic Cucumber Water
Cucumber water is a classic for a reason. With just two ingredients, this simple infusion is as easy as can be — and makes for surprisingly flavorful sipping.
Thinly slice ½ an English cucumber and place in the infusing insert of an infusion water bottle. Toss in some lemon slices if you want extra citrusy flavor. Add 32 ounces of water and refrigerate 2 to 4 hours. Serve with ice and additional cucumber wedges, if desired.
2. Strawberry Mint Water
The tartness of strawberries pairs perfectly with soothing mint in this summery beverage. Add a squeeze of fresh lime juice if you’d like extra zing.
Muddle 2 tablespoons of mint leaves in the bottom of an infusion water bottle’s insert. Hull and slice 6 strawberries and add them to the insert. Add orange slices or a squeeze of fresh lime juice for extra zing. Cover with 32 ounces of water and refrigerate 3 to 4 hours.
3. Orange Basil Turmeric Water
Another delicious fruit-and-herb combo, this unique water adds gets an anti-inflammatory boost from fresh turmeric.
Wash an orange and slice it into rounds. Peel a 2-inch piece of turmeric root and slice it into chunks. Place the orange slices, 4 basil leaves and turmeric roots in the infusing insert of an infusion water bottle. You could also toss in blueberries for sweetness. Cover with 32 ounces of water and refrigerate several hours or overnight.
4. Lemon Ginger Water
This zesty drink not only hydrates you but also offers the soothing benefits of fresh ginger, which may help soothe an upset stomach.
Wash a lemon and slice it into rounds. Peel a 2-inch piece of ginger root and slice it into chunks. Place the lemon slices and ginger pieces in the infusing insert of an infusion water bottle. Pour in 32 ounces of water and refrigerate overnight.
5. Pineapple, Coconut and Lime Water
Lime, coconut and pineapple create a fruity combo that’s like a tropical vacation in a glass!
Place ¾ cup of pineapple chunks, ¾ cup of coconut chunks and 1 sliced lime in the infusing insert of an infusion water bottle. Cover with 32 ounces of water. Refrigerate 4 hours or overnight.